You are the paradigm shift for the womxn in your lineage.
You know this.
You’re from a line, a legacy that goes beyond you. A lineage where womxn have been taught to not trust themselves.
To persevere, womxn had to act from survival and scarcity.
This sometimes meant denying the truth of who they were. It meant denying their intuition.
For safety, women needed to make themselves small…
They were taught power doesn’t equal safety. That being seen doesn’t equal safety. So, they made themselves small.
What this means for you?
You still feel the vestiges of this legacy. It shows up in your self-doubt and terror of being seen.
You hold back what you know, out of fear of being persecuted.
You don’t completely trust yourself.
You pretend you don’t know things. That you don’t see things.That you don’t feel things.
You don’t listen to and let yourself be led by the #1 thing that will open your channels for abundance of all kinds….
NOT allowing and honoring your intuition is the biggest barrier to your success right now.
Why? What happens?
You experience blocks and struggles like …
Not going after what it is that you really want to do.
Not making as much money as you desire.
Staying dependent on a system and putting up with work that is out of alignment with your vision and integrity.
When you are disconnected from and not trusting your intuition, you will constantly be struggling.
Struggling with money, work, your purpose and overall abundance. Why?
Because when you’re not listening to your inner voice, you are repelling the very information and knowledge needed to guide you to what is most exciting, fulfilling and aligned with your true essence.
I get it. I get that you are scared of the power of your intuition.
As much as you believe that it’s NOT going to help you be fulfilled? Let’s be honest. You’re more afraid of how it WILL help you be successful. Wildly successful.
Because on some level, you know that once you unleash your true essence and tap into your intuitive power (which you will), you will succeed like never before.
There is a part of you that is innately wiser than any advice anyone could ever offer you.
Put your decision in the hands of others - they can only teach and lead you from their own experience.
If you can’t trust yourself, you will not trust that you are capable of whatever you want to do and create in this world that is uniquely yours.
Abundance first and foremost comes from YOU.
If you are not listening to you, how do you expect that to come to you?
You will keep relying on other, outside resources, institutions and people for validation and freedom.
You believe that someone or something else has the answer or key to your sovereignty.
So leads me to unveil the cutting edge work of The Threshold.
The Threshold is a doorway…
And here’s what’s going to make this work.
The Threshold will break the chains that bind you to the lineage that was never yours to begin with.