2020, man.
Just when we’ve thought we’ve seen it all.
Multiple times this year I’ve watched myself and others spin out into feelings of hopelessness, overwhelm, and rage at what is happening in the world.
Have you been feeling that also?
The good news is if you are feeling any of these emotions it’s because you're paying attention. The bad news is, well, how does one operate in such a heavy and oppressive environment?
This is something that I’ve been asking myself for the past year: How do I stay connected with what is happening in the world, but not become disconnected from myself and my feelings?
The answer that I keep coming back to is staying on task & in purpose.
What do I mean by this?
Your purpose offers you focus.
I don't believe we were born into this world to just amass things. Each and everyone of us is here to be in service to something greater than ourselves.
Suffering is what happens when you’re not in flow with your intrinsic life force and purpose. Being in connection with what you are here to contribute to is crucial in staying motivated and living a fulfilling life!
When you have something greater than yourself that your heart and spirit feels drawn to give to, you have a reason to be excited to get out of bed in the morning.
So how do you know what your purpose is?
Well, what massively excites or drives you? Or maybe a different question to ask is what have you struggled with in life that you feel drawn to make a difference about?
Remember, our wounds are our greatest gifts. The difficulties you’ve struggled with in your life have also shaped some of your most creative and magnificent qualities.
Oftentimes we MAJORLY over complicate what our purpose is. It evolves and changes as you change overtime, but the key ingredient is the inner spark that it ignites within you.
Like anything else great in life it takes a bit of risk, patience, and experimentation to discover what it is. Though I dare say your heart already knows, but your brain gets in the way.
So how do you stay on task and in purpose? And why is it important?
Ask yourself one simple question before making decisions: “Is this supporting me in a direction I want to go? Is this enhancing me?” This is the question posed by my mentor, Connor Sauer over and over again when talking on the Art of Attention.
What are you giving your time and energy to? And are you aware of the things that keep your head in the game, as well as what throws you off course?
Your purpose is the foundation from which you build your life upon and is the motivating factor that propels you into action. But what is your level of distractibility? It’s important to know what keeps you on track and what takes you off course.
Take a second and think of three things that help nourish and move you forward in a direction you want to go. Now think of three things that take you off course and mess with your head and energy.
When you are connected to what you are here to contribute to, you are less willing to allow yourself to become distracted by others agendas and paltry matters.
You actually end up taking better care of yourself because you realize you are an integral part of the interconnected web of life we are all in.
A decision for yourself is a decision for the whole.
The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, hopeless or in a rage, instead of sparking an argument on Facebook or staying in bed all day ask yourself, ask yourself, “Is this supporting me in a direction I want to go?”
Choose wisely what you put your attention and energy into. And allow your greater mission to ground you during these tumultuous times of uncertainty and chaos.
Stay on track and in purpose.